
Parental Guidance

The guidance is, don't bring kids. London Under is intended to have a dark and grimy feel. Under 18s are advised against and the Waiters take no responsibility for the mental scarring of any that you bring regardless of this warning. Your therapist's bills are your own.


This can broadly be summarised as 'don't be an idiot', but for the sake of clarity here it is in detail.

  • This system uses a real time combat system, which means that all combat is acted out using latex weapons, which are safe if used properly. If you have never used an LRP weapon before, or are unsure about how to carry out any aspect of combat, please ask a Waiter to give you a brief safety lesson.
  • Melee combat involves using a LARP weapon made of compressed foam. Attacks should be made at a sensible rate, approximately one per second. Drum-rolling (i.e. hitting an opponent very rapidly without bringing the weapon back) does no damage. If your opponent is drum-rolling, either inform them or a Waiter of this and ignore the damage.
  • All weapons must be checked by the Waiters before the start of the game. No pretend guns or real weapons of any kind are permitted, even if they're for decorative purposes only.
  • Hand to hand combat is permitted but must be done using 'dramatic speed' (i.e. in slow motion). All blows must be gentle, open-handed pats to well-fleshed areas. If you wish to grapple someone or pin them up against a wall, then use roleplay rather than force.
  • Take care at all times, especially if fighting, running etc. Accidents happen all too easily when people have been drinking, and anyone deemed too inebriated to be safe will be asked to sit out for the remainder of the evening.
  • Illegal substances are not permitted under any circumstances; anyone caught in possession or using illegal drugs will be immediately dismissed from the group, and the authorities may be contacted.
  • Finally, be careful when acting around members of the public. The inhabitants of London Under are invisible to the World Above unless they attract attention. The game should be played without attracting the attention of the public.
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